Quick StartΒΆ


nothing really works yet

First you’ll need to get install the opri CLI:

$ curl -Lo- https://[...] | bash

Now create a host for your project:

$ opri host <short_name> <repo_url | local_dir> [main_url]

If you use a local_dir opri will look for the git config and use the origin url as the host’s blessed repo.

Next, configure your .travis.yml file to fire the update process on success by adding the following lines to the end of your file:

      - http://opri.hasadna.org.il/events
    on_success: always
    on_failure: never
    on_start: false

Commit your changes and you’re done. Whenever you push to your master or dev branches and your tests pass, the host at <short_name>.hasadna.org.il or dev.<short_name>.hasdna.org.il will be updated.